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  • Notice: List of Selected and waiting candidates for the post of Young Professional for State level in Directorate and Data Entry Operators at Block level under DDUGKY Scheme
    04-02-2025 469.41(KB)
  • Applications are invited for the engagement of various posts purely on contract basis under MGNREGS BDO, Nicobar District
    28-01-2025 2178.2(KB)
  • Applications are invited for the post of SPM (Farm Livelihoods), State Programme Manager (Farm Livelihoods), State Programme Manager (MCLF),Yong Professional for ANIRLM and DEO under DAY-NRLM at Directorate of RD,PRIs and ULBs
    21-01-2025 4226.56(KB)
  • Notice: List of eligible/shortlisted candidates for the interview for various post at State Level and Block level under DDU-GKY(ANIRLM)
    19-12-2024 816.73(KB)
  • Applications are invited for the 1 post of Gram Rozgar Sevak & 1 Data entry operator purely on contract basis under Mahatma Gandhi National rural employment Gurantee Scheme
    17-12-2024 3245.17(KB)

Welcome to Directorate of RD,PRIs and Urban Local Bodies

The three-tier Panchayati Raj System was introduced in Andaman & Nicobar Islands with promulgation of 73rd Amendment Act,1992 which marked a new era in the federal democratic setup of the country to provide constitutional status to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) governed by A&N Islands (Panchayats) Regulation, 1994. The Administrator of A&N Islands vide Notification No.179/95 dated. 22.12.1995, specified the powers of Zilla Parishad of A&N Islands to function as the Institution of Self Government for economic development and social justice. Till February 2007, the three tier of PRIs consisted of 67 Gram Panchayats, 07 Panchayat Samitis and 01 Zilla Parishad. Each of these tiers i.e. Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti

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Chief secretary Dr. Chandra Bhushan Kumar, IAS
Secretary Shri Arjun Sharma, IAS
Director Shiv Singh Meena, DANICS

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Swachhata Pakhwada- Swachhata Hi Seva

Secretary RDPanchayat for their untiring dedication towards Swachhata

Wooden Bridge constructed under MGNREGS under Diglipur block

NRLM Scheme has planted about 200 fruit-bearing plants in different Gram Panchayats

A massive cleanup drive was conducted at Viper Island


